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We are launching a unique Teapot Museum in Lapáncsa, Southern Hungary. Our aim is to create something special that could support a small community (a village with about 180 inhabitants) by attracting more visitors and thus could help reinvigorate this lovely settlement.

Lapáncsa is located on the verge of one of the finest wine regions of Hungary and although the area is booming, this tiny village, being practically a cul-de-sac, is lacking initiatives and jobs. By establishing a Teapot Museum we are hoping to attract tourists to the village and potentially create a few jobs.

This not-for-profit project has so far been funded privately.

We already have over 160 teapots and the building has been refurbished. The largest reception room now serves as the showroom, complete with facilities.

The owners have published a children’s book and all their profits of the book will be invested into the Teapot Museum.

We can proudly say that we have the local council’s support.

The renovation of the building was completed and the Teapot Museum opened in August 2022.
We have already had hundreds of visitors. We are looking forward to a busy 2023.
And we are going to be on TV soon!!!